
Lummi Island Grange #925
PO Box 123
2215 North Nugent Road
Lummi Island, WA 98262

Salmon Barbecue

The Lummi Island community has a long tradition of holding an all-island Salmon Barbecue at the end of each summer. Originally, the Salmon Barbeque was held on Labor Day weekend, and it was a fun event where a delicious Salmon meal was served, and islanders could bid farewell to the many summer visitors that would be leaving after their stay on the island, to head back to school or jobs on the mainland. At that time, the Barbecue was held at a park at Lane Spit, and the cooks would nail salmon filets onto cedar planks, and prop them up in front of beach fires to cook. In later years, the Barbecue was moved to the Beach School, and after the meal, the tables would all be taken down, someone would spread powdered wax on the gymnasium floor, a local band would strike up the music, and everyone would dance the night away. Today, and for many years, the annual Salmon Barbecue is held at the Lummi Island Grange Hall. A decendent of Mac Granger, one of the original barbecue cooks at Lane Spit, has been donating the Salmon for the past several years, and the men of the Grange barbecue it on grills outside the building, and many islanders contribute all the other wonderful side dishes for the meal.  The Lummi Island Salmon Barbecue is one of the main annual fund raisers, that allows the Grange to continue its contributions to the community. This years Salmon Barbeque will be held on Saturday, September 2, 2023. 

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