
Lummi Island Grange #925
PO Box 123
2215 North Nugent Road
Lummi Island, WA 98262

Gardener's Network

In February 2012, the Lummi Island Grange voted to sponsor the Gardener's Network which was started by Master Gardener Ginny Winfield. The Gardener's Network is a group of people interested in vegetable gardening that meets once a month (on the second Monday) to discuss and learn about various gardening issues. The first program (March 12, 2012) will be a seed swap. In April, Krista Rome, who has been running the Backyard Bean and Grain Project will be a guest speaker. In May we'll take up the subject of soil testing in the home garden.

Gardeners Network meetings will be held at the Grange and are open to all. You don't have to be a gardener to attend. If you have a desire to garden, would like to make contacts with people who are gardening, have an interest in sharing garden space or just want to hear about what's going on in the garden, feel free to attend.

The Lummi Island Grange also intends to develop a series of skills workshops to include subjects like canning, cheese making, sewing, and backyard chicken raising. A committee of the Grange will be meeting soon to brainstorm ideas, recruit workshop leaders and create a calendar of events. These workshops will be open to anyone. If you have an idea for a workshop or would like to conduct one, contact us.

Grange members are excited that we are going to get back to basics and focus on the food producing and food saving skills that was the original motivation for the Grange generations ago.

Copyright © 2012  Lummi Island Grange #925 All rights reserved